Date Author Title


2008-05-20Raul SilesList of malicious domains inserted through SQL injection


2025-01-16/a>Jesse La GrewExtracting Practical Observations from Impractical Datasets
2023-08-25/a>Xavier MertensPython Malware Using Postgresql for C2 Communications
2023-08-10/a>Bojan ZdrnjaSome things never change ? such as SQL Authentication ?encryption?
2023-07-23/a>Guy BruneauInstall & Configure Filebeat on Raspberry Pi ARM64 to Parse DShield Sensor Logs
2021-06-12/a>Guy BruneauFortinet Targeted for Unpatched SSL VPN Discovery Activity
2020-07-30/a>Johannes UllrichPython Developers: Prepare!!!
2017-08-07/a>Xavier MertensIncrease of phpMyAdmin scans
2017-08-02/a>Bojan ZdrnjaAttacking NoSQL applications (part 2)
2017-04-26/a>Johannes UllrichIf there are some unexploited MSSQL Servers With Weak Passwords Left: They got you now (again)
2016-12-06/a>Bojan ZdrnjaAttacking NoSQL applications
2016-08-11/a>Pasquale StirparoLooking for the insider: Forensic Artifacts on iOS Messaging App
2016-06-03/a>Tom ListonMySQL is YourSQL
2016-04-27/a>Tom WebbKippos Cousin Cowrie
2016-02-15/a>Bojan ZdrnjaExploiting (pretty) blind SQL injections
2013-10-19/a>Johannes UllrichYet Another WHMCS SQL Injection Exploit
2013-07-16/a>Johannes UllrichWhy don't we see more examples of web app attacks via POST?
2013-04-04/a>Johannes UllrichPostgresql Patches Critical Vulnerability
2013-03-03/a>Richard PorterUptick in MSSQL Activity
2013-01-25/a>Johannes UllrichVulnerability Scans via Search Engines (Request for Logs)
2013-01-09/a>Rob VandenBrinkSQL Injection Flaw in Ruby on Rails
2012-12-02/a>Guy BruneauZero Day MySQL Buffer Overflow
2012-10-05/a>Richard PorterReports of a Distributed Injection Scan
2012-09-21/a>Guy BruneauStoring your Collection of Malware Samples with Malwarehouse
2012-07-31/a>Daniel WesemannSQL injection, lilupophilupop-style
2012-06-11/a>Johannes UllrichExploit Available for Trivial MySQL Password Bypass
2011-12-01/a>Mark HofmanSQL Injection Attack happening ATM
2011-06-06/a>Johannes UllrichThe Havij SQL Injection Tool
2011-04-19/a>Bojan ZdrnjaSQL injection: why can’t we learn?
2011-04-01/a>John BambenekLizaMoon Mass SQL-Injection Attack Infected at least 500k Websites
2010-12-02/a>Kevin JohnsonSQL Injection: Wordpress 3.0.2 released
2010-08-15/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezObfuscated SQL Injection attacks
2010-05-21/a>Rick WannerMySQL 5.1.47 is now available -
2010-05-16/a>Rick WannerUpcoming MySQL patch fixes several critical vulnerabilites
2009-07-16/a>Bojan ZdrnjaOWC exploits used in SQL injection attacks
2009-05-19/a>Bojan ZdrnjaAdvanced blind SQL injection (with Oracle examples)
2009-05-09/a>Patrick NolanShared SQL Injection Lessons Learned blog item
2009-04-21/a>Bojan ZdrnjaWeb application vulnerabilities
2009-02-11/a>Robert DanfordProFTPd SQL Authentication Vulnerability exploit activity
2008-12-23/a>Patrick NolanMS ACK's Vulnerability in SQL Server which Could Allow Remote Code Execution
2008-12-15/a>Toby KohlenbergNew MS SQL Server vulnerability
2008-12-12/a>Johannes UllrichMSIE 0-day Spreading Via SQL Injection
2008-12-01/a>Jason LamInput filtering and escaping in SQL injection mitigation
2008-11-20/a>Jason LamLarge quantity SQL Injection mitigation
2008-09-29/a>Daniel WesemannASPROX mutant
2008-09-01/a>John BambenekThe Number of Machines Controlled by Botnets Has Jumped 4x in Last 3 Months
2008-08-23/a>Mark HofmanSQL injections - an update
2008-08-08/a>Mark HofmanMore SQL Injections - very active right now
2008-07-24/a>Bojan ZdrnjaWhat's brewing in Danmec's pot?
2008-06-30/a>Marcus SachsMore SQL Injection with Fast Flux hosting
2008-06-24/a>Jason LamSQL Injection mitigation in ASP
2008-06-24/a>Jason LamMicrosoft SQL Injection Prevention Strategy
2008-06-23/a>donald smithPreventing SQL injection
2008-06-13/a>Johannes UllrichSQL Injection: More of the same
2008-05-20/a>Raul SilesList of malicious domains inserted through SQL injection
2008-04-24/a>donald smithHundreds of thousands of SQL injections
2008-04-16/a>Bojan ZdrnjaThe 10.000 web sites infection mystery solved
2008-03-14/a>Kevin mass iframe injection
2008-01-09/a>Bojan ZdrnjaMass exploits with SQL Injection
2007-02-24/a>Jason LamPrepared Statements and SQL injections


2024-12-17/a>Guy BruneauCommand Injection Exploit For PHPUnit before 4.8.28 and 5.x before 5.6.3 [Guest Diary]
2024-07-25/a>Xavier MertensXWorm Hidden With Process Hollowing
2024-04-29/a>Johannes UllrichD-Link NAS Device Backdoor Abused
2023-11-09/a>Xavier MertensVisual Examples of Code Injection
2022-09-14/a>Xavier MertensEasy Process Injection within Python
2022-02-10/a>Johannes UllrichZyxel Network Storage Devices Hunted By Mirai Variant
2022-01-20/a>Xavier MertensRedLine Stealer Delivered Through FTP
2021-12-21/a>Xavier MertensMore Undetected PowerShell Dropper
2021-12-10/a>Xavier MertensPython Shellcode Injection From JSON Data
2021-11-20/a>Guy BruneauHikvision Security Cameras Potentially Exposed to Remote Code Execution
2021-07-06/a>Xavier MertensPython DLL Injection Check
2021-06-12/a>Guy BruneauFortinet Targeted for Unpatched SSL VPN Discovery Activity
2021-04-29/a>Xavier MertensFrom Python to .Net
2021-02-13/a>Guy BruneauvSphere Replication updates address a command injection vulnerability (CVE-2021-21976) -
2020-11-19/a>Xavier MertensPowerShell Dropper Delivering Formbook
2020-09-24/a>Xavier MertensParty in Ibiza with PowerShell
2020-08-28/a>Xavier MertensExample of Malicious DLL Injected in PowerShell
2020-07-30/a>Johannes UllrichPython Developers: Prepare!!!
2018-09-28/a>Xavier MertensMore Excel DDE Code Injection
2018-09-05/a>Xavier MertensMalicious PowerShell Compiling C# Code on the Fly
2017-05-05/a>Xavier MertensHTTP Headers... the Achilles' heel of many applications
2016-02-15/a>Bojan ZdrnjaExploiting (pretty) blind SQL injections
2013-10-19/a>Johannes UllrichYet Another WHMCS SQL Injection Exploit
2013-07-16/a>Johannes UllrichWhy don't we see more examples of web app attacks via POST?
2013-02-17/a>Guy BruneauHP ArcSight Connector Appliance and Logger Vulnerabilities
2013-01-25/a>Johannes UllrichVulnerability Scans via Search Engines (Request for Logs)
2013-01-09/a>Rob VandenBrinkSQL Injection Flaw in Ruby on Rails
2012-10-05/a>Richard PorterReports of a Distributed Injection Scan
2012-07-31/a>Daniel WesemannSQL injection, lilupophilupop-style
2011-12-01/a>Mark HofmanSQL Injection Attack happening ATM
2011-06-06/a>Johannes UllrichThe Havij SQL Injection Tool
2011-04-19/a>Bojan ZdrnjaSQL injection: why can’t we learn?
2011-04-01/a>John BambenekLizaMoon Mass SQL-Injection Attack Infected at least 500k Websites
2010-12-02/a>Kevin JohnsonSQL Injection: Wordpress 3.0.2 released
2010-08-15/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezObfuscated SQL Injection attacks
2010-06-09/a>Deborah HaleMass Infection of IIS/ASP Sites
2010-02-06/a>Guy BruneauLANDesk Management Gateway Vulnerability
2009-07-16/a>Bojan ZdrnjaOWC exploits used in SQL injection attacks
2009-05-19/a>Bojan ZdrnjaAdvanced blind SQL injection (with Oracle examples)
2009-05-09/a>Patrick NolanShared SQL Injection Lessons Learned blog item
2009-04-21/a>Bojan ZdrnjaWeb application vulnerabilities
2009-02-11/a>Robert DanfordProFTPd SQL Authentication Vulnerability exploit activity
2008-12-12/a>Johannes UllrichMSIE 0-day Spreading Via SQL Injection
2008-12-01/a>Jason LamInput filtering and escaping in SQL injection mitigation
2008-11-20/a>Jason LamLarge quantity SQL Injection mitigation
2008-09-29/a>Daniel WesemannASPROX mutant
2008-09-01/a>John BambenekThe Number of Machines Controlled by Botnets Has Jumped 4x in Last 3 Months
2008-08-23/a>Mark HofmanSQL injections - an update
2008-08-08/a>Mark HofmanMore SQL Injections - very active right now
2008-07-24/a>Bojan ZdrnjaWhat's brewing in Danmec's pot?
2008-06-30/a>Marcus SachsMore SQL Injection with Fast Flux hosting
2008-06-24/a>Jason LamSQL Injection mitigation in ASP
2008-06-24/a>Jason LamMicrosoft SQL Injection Prevention Strategy
2008-06-23/a>donald smithPreventing SQL injection
2008-06-13/a>Johannes UllrichSQL Injection: More of the same
2008-05-20/a>Raul SilesList of malicious domains inserted through SQL injection
2008-04-24/a>donald smithHundreds of thousands of SQL injections
2008-04-16/a>Bojan ZdrnjaThe 10.000 web sites infection mystery solved
2008-03-14/a>Kevin mass iframe injection
2008-01-09/a>Bojan ZdrnjaMass exploits with SQL Injection
2007-02-24/a>Jason LamPrepared Statements and SQL injections


2024-03-28/a>Xavier MertensFrom JavaScript to AsyncRAT
2024-02-21/a>Jan KoprivaPhishing pages hosted on
2023-11-17/a>Jan KoprivaPhishing page with trivial anti-analysis features
2023-05-20/a>Xavier MertensPhishing Kit Collecting Victim's IP Address
2022-06-16/a>Xavier MertensHoudini is Back Delivered Through a JavaScript Dropper
2022-06-01/a>Jan KoprivaHTML phishing attachments - now with anti-analysis features
2022-01-18/a>Jan KoprivaPhishing e-mail advertisement?
2021-11-18/a>Xavier MertensJavaScript Downloader Delivers Agent Tesla Trojan
2021-10-21/a>Brad Duncan"Stolen Images Evidence" campaign pushes Sliver-based malware
2021-05-22/a>Xavier Mertens"Serverless" Phishing Campaign
2021-05-18/a>Xavier MertensFrom RunDLL32 to JavaScript then PowerShell
2021-04-28/a>Xavier MertensDeeper Analyzis of my Last Malicious PowerPoint Add-On
2020-11-13/a>Xavier MertensOld Worm But New Obfuscation Technique
2020-07-24/a>Xavier MertensCompromized Desktop Applications by Web Technologies
2020-06-11/a>Xavier MertensAnti-Debugging JavaScript Techniques
2020-03-27/a>Xavier MertensMalicious JavaScript Dropping Payload in the Registry
2019-08-09/a>Xavier Mertens100% JavaScript Phishing Page
2019-06-10/a>Xavier MertensInteresting JavaScript Obfuscation Example
2019-02-07/a>Xavier Mertens Phishing Kit with JavaScript Keylogger
2018-07-13/a>Xavier MertensCryptominer Delivered Though Compromized JavaScript File
2018-06-18/a>Xavier MertensMalicious JavaScript Targeting Mobile Browsers
2017-06-22/a>Xavier MertensObfuscating without XOR
2017-03-24/a>Xavier MertensNicely Obfuscated JavaScript Sample
2017-03-04/a>Xavier MertensHow your pictures may affect your website reputation
2017-02-12/a>Xavier MertensAnalysis of a Suspicious Piece of JavaScript
2016-08-28/a>Guy BruneauSpam with Obfuscated Javascript
2016-06-18/a>Rob VandenBrinkControlling JavaScript Malware Before it Runs
2016-02-20/a>Didier StevensLocky: JavaScript Deobfuscation
2016-02-07/a>Xavier MertensMore Malicious JavaScript Obfuscation
2016-01-15/a>Xavier MertensJavaScript Deobfuscation Tool
2015-08-07/a>Tony CarothersCritical Firefox Update Today
2014-08-29/a>Johannes UllrichFalse Positive or Not? Difficult to Analyze Javascript
2014-07-02/a>Johannes UllrichSimple Javascript Extortion Scheme Advertised via Bing
2013-08-07/a>Johannes UllrichFirefox 23 and Mixed Active Content
2013-04-23/a>Russ McReeMicrosoft's Security Intelligence Report (SIRv14) released
2013-02-08/a>Kevin ShorttIs it Spam or Is it Malware?
2012-06-25/a>Guy BruneauUsing JSDetox to Analyze and Deobfuscate Javascript
2012-05-22/a>Johannes Ullrichnmap 6 released
2012-04-25/a>Daniel WesemannBlacole's obfuscated JavaScript
2012-01-22/a>Johannes UllrichJavascript DDoS Tool Analysis
2012-01-03/a>Bojan ZdrnjaThe tale of obfuscated JavaScript continues
2011-12-07/a>Lenny ZeltserV8 as an Alternative to SpiderMonkey for JavaScript Deobfuscation
2011-06-06/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezPhishing: Same goal, same techniques and people still falling for such scams
2011-04-23/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezImage search can lead to malware download
2010-12-02/a>Kevin JohnsonRobert Hansen and our happiness
2010-07-04/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezMalware inside PDF Files
2010-03-05/a>Kyle HaugsnessJavascript obfuscators used in the wild
2009-05-04/a>Tom ListonAdobe Reader/Acrobat Critical Vulnerability
2009-04-07/a>Bojan ZdrnjaAdvanced JavaScript obfuscation (or why signature scanning is a failure)
2009-04-02/a>Bojan ZdrnjaJavaScript insertion and log deletion attack tools
2009-02-25/a>Andre LudwigAdobe Acrobat pdf 0-day exploit, No JavaScript needed!
2008-07-14/a>Daniel WesemannObfuscated JavaScript Redux
2008-06-30/a>Marcus SachsMore SQL Injection with Fast Flux hosting
2008-05-20/a>Raul SilesList of malicious domains inserted through SQL injection
2008-04-06/a>Daniel WesemannAdvanced obfuscated JavaScript analysis
2008-04-03/a>Bojan ZdrnjaMixed (VBScript and JavaScript) obfuscation


2023-07-26/a>Xavier MertensSuspicious IP Addresses Avoided by Malware Samples
2009-05-27/a>donald smithHost file black lists
2008-05-20/a>Raul SilesList of malicious domains inserted through SQL injection