Date Author Title


2020-03-18Brad DuncanTrickbot gtag red5 distributed as a DLL file
2019-12-11Brad DuncanGerman language malspam pushes yet another wave of Trickbot
2019-10-02Brad DuncanA recent example of Emotet malspam
2019-09-18Brad DuncanEmotet malspam is back
2018-12-18Brad DuncanMalspam links to password-protected Word docs that push IcedID (Bokbot)
2018-11-15Brad DuncanEmotet infection with IcedID banking Trojan


2025-01-13/a>Johannes UllrichHikvision Password Reset Brute Forcing
2024-11-06/a>Jesse La Grew[Guest Diary] Insights from August Web Traffic Surge
2024-10-31/a>Guy BruneauOctober 2024 Activity with Username chenzilong
2024-10-16/a>Johannes UllrichThe Top 10 Not So Common SSH Usernames and Passwords
2024-08-22/a>Johannes UllrichOpenAI Scans for Honeypots. Artificially Malicious? Action Abuse?
2024-08-07/a>Guy BruneauSame Scripts, Different Day: What My DShield Honeypot Taught Me About the Importance of Security Fundamentals [Guest Diary]
2024-07-13/a>Didier Stevens16-bit Hash Collisions in .xls Spreadsheets
2024-06-26/a>Guy BruneauWhat Setting Live Traps for Cybercriminals Taught Me About Security [Guest Diary]
2024-02-28/a>Johannes UllrichExploit Attempts for Unknown Password Reset Vulnerability
2024-01-17/a>Jesse La GrewNumber Usage in Passwords
2024-01-06/a>Xavier MertensAre you sure of your password?
2023-10-29/a>Guy BruneauSpam or Phishing? Looking for Credentials & Passwords
2023-10-15/a>Guy BruneauDomain Name Used as Password Captured by DShield Sensor
2023-09-29/a>Xavier MertensAre You Still Storing Passwords In Plain Text Files?
2023-09-05/a>Jesse La GrewCommon usernames submitted to honeypots
2023-09-02/a>Jesse La GrewWhat is the origin of passwords submitted to honeypots?
2023-08-10/a>Bojan ZdrnjaSome things never change ? such as SQL Authentication ?encryption?
2023-08-04/a>Xavier MertensAre Leaked Credentials Dumps Used by Attackers?
2023-06-23/a>Xavier MertensWord Document with an Online Attached Template
2023-06-05/a>Johannes UllrichBrute Forcing Simple Archive Passwords
2023-05-04/a>Xavier MertensInfostealer Embedded in a Word Document
2023-04-19/a>Rob VandenBrinkTaking a Bite Out of Password Expiry Helpdesk Calls
2023-02-18/a>Guy BruneauSpear Phishing Handlers for Username/Password
2022-09-16/a>Didier StevensWord Maldoc With CustomXML and Renamed VBAProject.bin
2022-09-15/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Word Document with a Frameset
2022-09-10/a>Guy BruneauPhishing Word Documents with Suspicious URL
2022-08-13/a>Guy BruneauPhishing HTML Attachment as Voicemail Audio Transcription
2022-06-12/a>Didier StevensQuickie: Follina, RTF & Explorer Preview Pane
2022-06-06/a>Didier Stevens"ms-msdt" RTF Maldoc Analysis: oledump Plugins
2022-06-05/a>Didier StevensAnalysis Of An "ms-msdt" RTF Maldoc
2022-05-30/a>Xavier MertensNew Microsoft Office Attack Vector via "ms-msdt" Protocol Scheme (CVE-2022-30190)
2022-05-17/a>Xavier MertensUse Your Browser Internal Password Vault... or Not?
2022-05-09/a>Xavier MertensOctopus Backdoor is Back with a New Embedded Obfuscated Bat File
2022-04-24/a>Didier StevensAnalyzing a Phishing Word Document
2022-04-04/a>Johannes UllrichEmptying the Phishtank: Are WordPress sites the Mosquitoes of the Internet?
2022-03-10/a>Xavier MertensCredentials Leaks on VirusTotal
2022-02-22/a>Xavier MertensA Good Old Equation Editor Vulnerability Delivering Malware
2022-02-13/a>Guy BruneauDHL Spear Phishing to Capture Username/Password
2022-02-02/a>Johannes UllrichFinding elFinder: Who is looking for your files?
2021-12-02/a>Brad DuncanTA551 (Shathak) pushes IcedID (Bokbot)
2021-11-30/a>Johannes UllrichHunting for PHPUnit Installed via Composer
2021-11-15/a>Rob VandenBrinkChanging your AD Password Using the Clipboard - Not as Easy as You'd Think!
2021-08-06/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Microsoft Word Remains A Key Infection Vector
2021-05-14/a>Xavier Mertens"Open" Access to Industrial Systems Interface is Also Far From Zero
2021-04-24/a>Guy BruneauBase64 Hashes Used in Web Scanning
2021-02-19/a>Xavier MertensDynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is Back in the Wild?
2021-02-02/a>Xavier MertensNew Example of XSL Script Processing aka "Mitre T1220"
2021-01-28/a>Daniel WesemannEmotet vs. Windows Attack Surface Reduction
2021-01-26/a>Brad DuncanTA551 (Shathak) Word docs push Qakbot (Qbot)
2021-01-24/a>Didier StevensVideo: Doc & RTF Malicious Document
2021-01-23/a>Didier StevensCyberChef: Analyzing OOXML Files for URLs
2021-01-13/a>Brad DuncanHancitor activity resumes after a hoilday break
2021-01-10/a>Didier StevensMaldoc Analysis With CyberChef
2021-01-09/a>Didier StevensMaldoc Strings Analysis
2021-01-06/a>Johannes UllrichScans for Zyxel Backdoors are Commencing.
2020-12-24/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Word Document Delivering an Octopus Backdoor
2020-10-14/a>Brad DuncanMore TA551 (Shathak) Word docs push IcedID (Bokbot)
2020-09-18/a>Xavier MertensA Mix of Python & VBA in a Malicious Word Document
2020-08-19/a>Xavier MertensExample of Word Document Delivering Qakbot
2020-08-07/a>Brad DuncanTA551 (Shathak) Word docs push IcedID (Bokbot)
2020-07-26/a>Didier StevensCracking Maldoc VBA Project Passwords
2020-07-15/a>Brad DuncanWord docs with macros for IcedID (Bokbot)
2020-07-13/a>Didier StevensVBA Project Passwords
2020-06-10/a>Brad DuncanJob application-themed malspam pushes ZLoader
2020-05-20/a>Brad DuncanMicrosoft Word document with malicious macro pushes IcedID (Bokbot)
2020-04-06/a>Didier StevensPassword Protected Malicious Excel Files
2020-03-18/a>Brad DuncanTrickbot gtag red5 distributed as a DLL file
2020-01-22/a>Brad DuncanGerman language malspam pushes Ursnif
2019-12-11/a>Brad DuncanGerman language malspam pushes yet another wave of Trickbot
2019-11-01/a>Didier StevensTip: Password Managers and 2FA
2019-10-02/a>Brad DuncanA recent example of Emotet malspam
2019-09-18/a>Brad DuncanEmotet malspam is back
2019-07-18/a>Xavier MertensMalicious PHP Script Back on Stage?
2019-06-10/a>Xavier MertensInteresting JavaScript Obfuscation Example
2019-01-24/a>Brad DuncanMalspam with Word docs uses macro to run Powershell script and steal system data
2018-12-18/a>Brad DuncanMalspam links to password-protected Word docs that push IcedID (Bokbot)
2018-12-17/a>Didier StevensPassword Protected ZIP with Maldoc
2018-11-15/a>Brad DuncanEmotet infection with IcedID banking Trojan
2018-10-26/a>Xavier MertensDissecting Malicious Office Documents with Linux
2018-08-22/a>Deborah HaleEmail/password Frustration
2018-07-12/a>Johannes UllrichNew Extortion Tricks: Now Including Your Password!
2018-06-13/a>Xavier MertensA Bunch of Compromized Wordpress Sites
2018-01-09/a>Jim ClausingAre you watching for brute force attacks on IPv6?
2017-11-28/a>Xavier MertensApple High Sierra Uses a Passwordless Root Account
2017-11-07/a>Xavier MertensInteresting VBA Dropper
2017-08-17/a>Xavier MertensMaldoc with auto-updated link
2017-05-17/a>Richard PorterWait What? We don?t have to change passwords every 90 days?
2017-05-05/a>Xavier MertensHTTP Headers... the Achilles' heel of many applications
2017-04-26/a>Johannes UllrichIf there are some unexploited MSSQL Servers With Weak Passwords Left: They got you now (again)
2017-04-23/a>Didier StevensMalicious Documents: A Bit Of News
2017-04-10/a>Didier StevensPassword History: Insights Shared by a Reader
2017-02-07/a>Johannes UllrichMy Password is [taco] Using Emojis for Stronger Passwords
2017-02-04/a>Xavier MertensDetecting Undisclosed Vulnerabilities with Security Tools & Features
2016-12-07/a>Xavier MertensThe Passwords You Should Never Use
2016-09-15/a>Xavier MertensIn Need of a OTP Manager Soon?
2016-07-21/a>Didier StevensPractice ntds.dit File
2016-06-20/a>Xavier MertensUsing Your Password Manager to Monitor Data Leaks
2015-12-06/a>Mark HofmanMalware SPAM a new run has started.
2015-06-26/a>Daniel WesemannCisco default credentials - again!
2015-05-09/a>Didier StevensMalicious Word Document: This Time The Maldoc Is A MIME File
2015-03-13/a>Guy BruneauBlind SQL Injection against WordPress SEO by Yoast
2015-02-20/a>Tom WebbFast analysis of a Tax Scam
2014-11-20/a>Johannes UllrichCritical WordPress XSS Update
2014-09-19/a>Guy BruneauAdded today in oclhashcat 131 Django [Default Auth] (PBKDF2 SHA256 Rounds Salt) Support -
2014-08-22/a>Richard PorterOCLHashCat 1.30 Released
2014-08-06/a>Johannes UllrichAll Passwords have been lost: What's next?
2014-07-22/a>Daniel Wesemann WordPress brute force attack via wp.getUsersBlogs
2014-06-19/a>Tony CarothersWordPress and Security
2014-05-22/a>Rob VandenBrinkAnother Site Breached - Time to Change your Passwords! (If you can that is)
2014-03-14/a>Richard PorterWord Press Shenanigans? Anyone seeing strange activity today?
2014-03-12/a>Johannes UllrichWordpress "Pingback" DDoS Attacks
2013-11-22/a>Rick WannerTales of Password Reuse
2013-07-21/a>Guy BruneauUbuntu Forums Security Breach
2013-06-11/a>Swa FrantzenStore passwords the right way in your application
2013-05-14/a>Jim ClausingSo what passwords are those ssh scanners trying?
2013-03-18/a>Kevin ShorttCisco IOS Type 4 Password Issue:
2013-01-18/a>Russ McReeInteresting reads for Friday 18 JAN 2013
2013-01-04/a>Daniel WesemannBlue for Reset?
2012-11-15/a>Jim ClausingAnother month another password disclosure breach
2012-07-16/a>Jim ClausingAn analysis of the Yahoo! passwords
2012-06-06/a>Jim ClausingPotential leak of 6.5+ million LinkedIn password hashes
2012-05-22/a>Johannes Ullrichnmap 6 released
2012-04-21/a>Guy BruneauWordPress Release Security Update
2012-01-05/a>Russ McReeWordPress 3.3.1 fixes 15 issues with WordPress 3.3 including XSS. Download 3.3.1 or visit Dashboard --> Updates in your site admin panel.
2012-01-03/a>Rick WannerAnalysis of the Stratfor Password List
2011-10-10/a>Tom ListonWhat's In A Name?
2011-08-10/a>Johannes UllrichTheoretical and Practical Password Entropy
2011-06-30/a>Guy BruneauWordPress 3.1.4 Security Update -
2011-06-28/a>Johannes UllrichHashing Passwords
2011-06-22/a>Guy BruneauWordPress Forces Password Reset
2011-05-30/a>Johannes UllrichAllied Telesis Passwords Leaked
2011-04-18/a>John Security Breach
2011-02-08/a>Mark HofmanWordPress 3.0.5 (and 3.1 RC4) are out
2010-12-30/a>Johannes UllrichCritcal Wordpress Security Update
2010-12-28/a>John BambenekMozilla Notifies of Relatively Minor Security Breach
2010-12-15/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezHP StorageWorks P2000 G3 MSA hardcoded user
2010-12-13/a>Deborah HaleGawker Media Breach of Security
2010-12-02/a>Kevin JohnsonSQL Injection: Wordpress 3.0.2 released
2010-11-26/a>Mark HofmanUsing password cracking as metric/indicator for the organisation's security posture
2010-08-27/a>Mark HofmanFTP Brute Password guessing attacks
2010-05-19/a>Kyle HaugsnessWordpress blog attacks... again
2010-05-10/a>Toby KohlenbergAnother round of WordPress Attacks
2010-03-30/a>Pedro BuenoSharing the Tools
2010-02-25/a>Chris CarboniPass The Hash
2010-02-05/a>Jim ClausingWordPress iframe injection?
2010-02-02/a>Johannes UllrichTwitter Mass Password Reset due to Phishing
2009-12-04/a>Daniel WesemannThe economics of security advice (MSFT research paper)
2009-11-30/a>Bojan ZdrnjaDistributed Wordpress admin account cracking
2009-11-02/a>Daniel WesemannPassword rules: Change them every 25 years
2009-10-23/a>Johannes UllrichLittle new tool: reversing md5/sha1 hashes
2009-10-21/a>Pedro BuenoWordPress Hardening
2009-08-11/a>Swa FrantzenWordpress unauthenticated administrator password reset
2008-11-11/a>Swa FrantzenPhishing for Google adwords
2008-09-22/a>Jim ClausingLessons learned from the Palin (and other) account hijacks
2008-09-09/a>Swa Frantzenwordpress upgrade
2008-07-17/a>Mari NicholsAdobe Reader 9 Released
2008-07-09/a>Johannes UllrichUnpatched Word Vulnerability
2008-04-23/a>Mari NicholsWhat's New, Old and Morphing?


2022-04-20/a>Brad Duncan"aa" distribution Qakbot (Qbot) infection with DarkVNC traffic
2022-03-25/a>Xavier MertensXLSB Files: Because Binary is Stealthier Than XML
2022-01-22/a>Xavier MertensMixed VBA & Excel4 Macro In a Targeted Excel Sheet
2021-12-20/a>Jan KoprivaPowerPoint attachments, Agent Tesla and code reuse in malware
2021-12-02/a>Brad DuncanTA551 (Shathak) pushes IcedID (Bokbot)
2021-09-23/a>Xavier MertensExcel Recipe: Some VBA Code with a Touch of Excel4 Macro
2021-09-01/a>Brad DuncanSTRRAT: a Java-based RAT that doesn't care if you have Java
2021-08-06/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Microsoft Word Remains A Key Infection Vector
2021-04-23/a>Xavier MertensMalicious PowerPoint Add-On: "Small Is Beautiful"
2021-03-03/a>Brad DuncanQakbot infection with Cobalt Strike
2021-02-23/a>Jan KoprivaQakbot in a response to Full Disclosure post
2021-02-05/a>Xavier MertensVBA Macro Trying to Alter the Application Menus
2021-02-03/a>Brad DuncanExcel spreadsheets push SystemBC malware
2021-02-02/a>Xavier MertensNew Example of XSL Script Processing aka "Mitre T1220"
2021-01-26/a>Brad DuncanTA551 (Shathak) Word docs push Qakbot (Qbot)
2021-01-20/a>Brad DuncanQakbot activity resumes after holiday break
2021-01-14/a>Bojan ZdrnjaDynamically analyzing a heavily obfuscated Excel 4 macro malicious file
2021-01-13/a>Brad DuncanHancitor activity resumes after a hoilday break
2020-12-09/a>Brad DuncanRecent Qakbot (Qbot) activity
2020-11-09/a>Xavier MertensHow Attackers Brush Up Their Malicious Scripts
2020-10-26/a>Didier StevensExcel 4 Macros: "Abnormal Sheet Visibility"
2020-10-14/a>Brad DuncanMore TA551 (Shathak) Word docs push IcedID (Bokbot)
2020-09-23/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Word Document with Dynamic Content
2020-09-18/a>Xavier MertensA Mix of Python & VBA in a Malicious Word Document
2020-09-10/a>Brad DuncanRecent Dridex activity
2020-08-26/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Excel Sheet with a NULL VT Score
2020-08-19/a>Xavier MertensExample of Word Document Delivering Qakbot
2020-08-07/a>Brad DuncanTA551 (Shathak) Word docs push IcedID (Bokbot)
2020-08-06/a>Xavier MertensA Fork of the FTCode Powershell Ransomware
2020-08-03/a>Xavier MertensPowershell Bot with Multiple C2 Protocols
2020-07-15/a>Brad DuncanWord docs with macros for IcedID (Bokbot)
2020-07-10/a>Brad DuncanExcel spreasheet macro kicks off Formbook infection
2020-06-12/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Excel Delivering Fileless Payload
2020-06-10/a>Brad DuncanJob application-themed malspam pushes ZLoader
2020-06-01/a>Didier StevensXLMMacroDeobfuscator: An Update
2020-05-20/a>Brad DuncanMicrosoft Word document with malicious macro pushes IcedID (Bokbot)
2020-04-05/a>Guy BruneauMaldoc XLS Invoice with Excel 4 Macros
2020-03-29/a>Didier StevensObfuscated Excel 4 Macros
2020-03-18/a>Brad DuncanTrickbot gtag red5 distributed as a DLL file
2020-03-09/a>Didier StevensMalicious Spreadsheet With Data Connection and Excel 4 Macros
2020-03-06/a>Xavier MertensA Safe Excel Sheet Not So Safe
2020-02-24/a>Didier StevensMaldoc: Excel 4 Macros and VBA, Devil and Angel?
2020-02-23/a>Didier StevensMaldoc: Excel 4 Macros in OOXML Format
2020-02-21/a>Xavier MertensQuick Analysis of an Encrypted Compound Document Format
2020-01-22/a>Brad DuncanGerman language malspam pushes Ursnif
2020-01-09/a>Xavier MertensQuick Analyzis of a(nother) Maldoc
2019-12-11/a>Brad DuncanGerman language malspam pushes yet another wave of Trickbot
2019-12-04/a>Jan KoprivaAnalysis of a strangely poetic malware
2019-10-02/a>Brad DuncanA recent example of Emotet malspam
2019-09-18/a>Brad DuncanEmotet malspam is back
2019-06-18/a>Brad DuncanMalspam with password-protected Word docs pushing Dridex
2019-03-17/a>Didier StevensVideo: Maldoc Analysis: Excel 4.0 Macro
2019-03-16/a>Didier StevensMaldoc: Excel 4.0 Macros
2019-03-13/a>Brad DuncanMalspam pushes Emotet with Qakbot as the follow-up malware
2019-01-24/a>Brad DuncanMalspam with Word docs uses macro to run Powershell script and steal system data
2018-12-18/a>Brad DuncanMalspam links to password-protected Word docs that push IcedID (Bokbot)
2018-11-15/a>Brad DuncanEmotet infection with IcedID banking Trojan
2018-08-24/a>Xavier MertensMicrosoft Publisher Files Delivering Malware
2018-05-25/a>Xavier MertensAntivirus Evasion? Easy as 1,2,3
2018-05-01/a>Xavier MertensDiving into a Simple Maldoc Generator
2017-12-19/a>Xavier MertensExample of 'MouseOver' Link in a Powerpoint File
2017-12-16/a>Xavier MertensMicrosoft Office VBA Macro Obfuscation via Metadata
2017-11-15/a>Xavier MertensIf you want something done right, do it yourself!
2017-02-26/a>Guy BruneauIt is Tax Season - Watch out for Suspicious Attachment
2016-09-30/a>Xavier MertensAnother Day, Another Malicious Behaviour
2015-02-19/a>Daniel WesemannMacros? Really?!