Date Author Title


2009-08-01Deborah HaleWebsite Warnings


2024-12-17/a>Guy BruneauCommand Injection Exploit For PHPUnit before 4.8.28 and 5.x before 5.6.3 [Guest Diary]
2024-11-06/a>Jesse La Grew[Guest Diary] Insights from August Web Traffic Surge
2024-03-29/a>Xavier MertensQuick Forensics Analysis of Apache logs
2023-09-23/a>Guy BruneauScanning for Laravel - a PHP Framework for Web Artisants
2022-09-07/a>Johannes UllrichPHP Deserialization Exploit attempt
2022-02-02/a>Johannes UllrichFinding elFinder: Who is looking for your files?
2021-11-30/a>Johannes UllrichHunting for PHPUnit Installed via Composer
2020-06-05/a>Remco VerhoefNot so FastCGI!
2019-07-18/a>Xavier MertensMalicious PHP Script Back on Stage?
2019-04-04/a>Xavier MertensNew Waves of Scans Detected by an Old Rule
2018-11-16/a>Xavier MertensBasic Obfuscation With Permissive Languages
2018-07-11/a>Remco VerhoefWell, Hello Again Peppa!
2018-07-02/a>Guy BruneauHello Peppa! - PHP Scans
2018-06-13/a>Xavier MertensA Bunch of Compromized Wordpress Sites
2018-05-06/a>Guy BruneauScans Attempting to use PowerShell to Download PHP Script
2017-09-14/a>Xavier MertensAnother webshell, another backdoor!
2017-08-07/a>Xavier MertensIncrease of phpMyAdmin scans
2017-02-28/a>Xavier MertensAnalysis of a Simple PHP Backdoor
2016-12-26/a>Russ McReeCritical security update: PHPMailer 5.2.20 (CVE-2016-10045)
2016-07-13/a>Xavier MertensDrupal: Patch released today to fix a highly critical RCE in contributed modules
2015-07-12/a>Guy BruneauPHP 5.x Security Updates
2014-09-19/a>Guy BruneauPHP Fixes Several Bugs in Version 5.4 and 5.5
2014-08-22/a>Richard PorterPHP 5.5.16 is available
2014-08-22/a>Richard PorterPHP 5.4.32 Released
2014-08-16/a>Lenny ZeltserWeb Server Attack Investigation - Installing a Bot and Reverse Shell via a PHP Vulnerability
2014-04-04/a>Stephen HallPHP 5.4.27 released
2014-03-27/a>Alex StanfordMass XSSodus in PHP
2013-10-25/a>Johannes compromise aftermath: Why Code Signing Beats Hashes
2013-10-24/a>Johannes UllrichFalse Positive: Malware Alert
2013-09-19/a>Bojan ZdrnjaArrays in requests, PHP and DedeCMS
2013-08-11/a>Bojan ZdrnjaXATattacks (attacks on
2013-08-04/a>Johannes UllrichBBCode tag "[php]" used to inject php code
2013-06-07/a>Daniel WesemannPHP patches - see - fixes CVE2013-2110
2013-02-22/a>Chris MohanPHP 5.4.12 and PHP 5.3.22 released
2013-01-17/a>Russ McReePHP 5.4.11 and PHP 5.3.21 released
2012-09-19/a>Russ McReeScript kiddie scavenging with Shellbot.S
2012-06-14/a>Johannes UllrichPHP 5.4.4 and 5.3.14 released with fixes for DES crypt issue and phar heap overflow
2012-05-08/a>Kevin ListonPHP 5.4.3 and PHP 5.3.13 Released
2012-04-05/a>Johannes UllrichEvil hides everywhere: Web Application Exploits in Headers
2012-03-07/a>Johannes UllrichWhat happened to RFI attacks?
2012-02-07/a>Johannes UllrichSecure E-Mail Access
2012-02-03/a>Guy BruneauPHP 5.3.10 Released, Fixes CVE-2012-0830 available for download
2012-02-03/a>Johannes UllrichCritical PHP bug patched
2012-01-16/a>Kevin Shorttphp 5.3.9 released -Jan-10-2011
2012-01-12/a>Rob VandenBrinkPHP 5.39 was release on the 10th, amongst other things, it addresses CVE-2011-4885 (prevents attacks based on hash collisions) and CVE-2011-4566 (integer overflow when parsing invalid exif header)
2011-08-22/a>Jim ClausingDO NOT upgrade to PHP 5.3.7, significant bug in crypt() function, see
2011-08-18/a>Rob VandenBrinkPHP 5.37 release. Some security updates, plus lots of bug fixes ==>
2010-08-31/a>Bojan ZdrnjaInteresting PHP injection
2010-08-10/a>Daniel WesemannSSH - new brute force tool?
2010-07-04/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezInteresting analysis of the PHP SplObjectStorage Vulnerability
2010-06-14/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezAnother way to get protection for application-level attacks
2010-05-23/a>Manuel Humberto Santander Pelaeze-mail scam announcing Fidel Castro's funeral ... and nasty malware to your computer.
2010-02-27/a>Guy BruneauPHP 5.2.13 Security Update
2010-01-29/a>Johannes UllrichAnalyzing weblogs, part 2, RFI attacks
2009-12-28/a>Johannes Ullrich8 Basic Rules to Implement Secure File Uploads (inspired by IIS ; bug)
2009-11-20/a>Mark Hofman PHP 5.3.1 is released. With many of the websites on the net relying on PHP and the number of attacks we see, consider upgrading. This release has over 100 bug fixes, some of which are security related.
2009-08-01/a>Deborah HaleWebsite Warnings
2009-06-26/a>Mark HofmanPHPMYADMIN scans
2009-06-24/a>Kyle HaugsnessExploit tools are publicly available for phpMyAdmin
2009-06-21/a>Scott FendleyphpMyAdmin Scans
2009-04-07/a>Johannes UllrichCommon Apache Misconception
2009-02-03/a>Swa FrantzenOn the importance of patching fast
2008-12-10/a>Stephen HallPHP Group has released PHP version 5.2.8
2008-09-09/a>Swa Frantzenwordpress upgrade
2008-08-19/a>Johannes UllrichA morning stroll through my web logs
2008-05-05/a>John BambenekPHP 5.2.6 out w/ security updates
2006-12-24/a>Swa FrantzenphpBB 2.0.22 - upgrade time
2006-11-29/a>Toby KohlenbergNew Vulnerability Announcement and patches from Apple
2006-09-13/a>Swa FrantzenPHP - shared hosters, take note.


2024-12-26/a>Jesse La GrewCapturing Honeypot Data Beyond the Logs
2024-11-06/a>Jesse La Grew[Guest Diary] Insights from August Web Traffic Surge
2024-01-22/a>Johannes UllrichApple Updates Everything - New 0 Day in WebKit
2024-01-08/a>Jesse La GrewWhat is that User Agent?
2023-07-23/a>Guy BruneauInstall & Configure Filebeat on Raspberry Pi ARM64 to Parse DShield Sensor Logs
2023-05-03/a>Xavier MertensIncreased Number of Configuration File Scans
2023-04-18/a>Johannes UllrichUDDIs are back? Attackers rediscovering old exploits.
2023-02-25/a>Didier StevensCrypto Inside a Browser
2023-02-24/a>Brad DuncanURL files and WebDAV used for IcedID (Bokbot) infection
2022-09-21/a>Xavier MertensPhishing Campaigns Use Free Online Resources
2022-08-23/a>Xavier MertensWho's Looking at Your security.txt File?
2022-08-17/a>Johannes UllrichApple Patches Two Exploited Vulnerabilities
2022-08-01/a>Johannes UllrichA Little DDoS In the Morning
2022-04-05/a>Johannes UllrichWebLogic Crypto Miner Malware Disabling Alibaba Cloud Monitoring Tools
2022-03-11/a>Xavier MertensKeep an Eye on WebSockets
2022-02-07/a>Johannes Ullrichweb3 phishing via self-customizing landing pages
2021-12-07/a>Johannes UllrichWebshells, Webshells everywhere!
2021-12-01/a>Xavier MertensInfo-Stealer Using to Exfiltrate Data
2021-10-11/a>Johannes UllrichThings that go "Bump" in the Night: Non HTTP Requests Hitting Web Servers
2021-10-09/a>Guy BruneauScanning for Previous Oracle WebLogic Vulnerabilities
2021-06-24/a>Xavier MertensDo you Like Cookies? Some are for sale!
2021-04-24/a>Guy BruneauBase64 Hashes Used in Web Scanning
2020-11-07/a>Guy BruneauCryptojacking Targeting WebLogic TCP/7001
2020-10-29/a>Johannes UllrichPATCH NOW: CVE-2020-14882 Weblogic Actively Exploited Against Honeypots
2020-08-10/a>Bojan ZdrnjaScoping web application and web service penetration tests
2020-07-24/a>Xavier MertensCompromized Desktop Applications by Web Technologies
2019-11-22/a>Xavier MertensAbusing Web Filters Misconfiguration for Reconnaissance
2019-09-24/a>Xavier MertensHuge Amount of Sites Found in Certificate Transparency Logs
2019-08-28/a>Johannes Ullrich[Guest Diary] Open Redirect: A Small But Very Common Vulnerability
2019-08-01/a>Johannes UllrichWhat is Listening On Port 9527/TCP?
2019-06-19/a>Johannes UllrichCritical Actively Exploited WebLogic Flaw Patched CVE-2019-2729
2019-04-28/a>Johannes UllrichUpdate about Weblogic CVE-2019-2725 (Exploits Used in the Wild, Patch Status)
2019-04-25/a>Rob VandenBrinkUnpatched Vulnerability Alert - WebLogic Zero Day
2019-02-02/a>Guy BruneauScanning for WebDAV PROPFIND Exploiting CVE-2017-7269
2018-11-17/a>Xavier MertensQuickly Investigating Websites with Lookyloo
2018-07-20/a>Kevin ListonWeblogic Exploit Code Made Public (CVE-2018-2893)
2018-05-03/a>Renato MarinhoWebLogic Exploited in the Wild (Again)
2018-04-30/a>Remco VerhoefAnother approach to webapplication fingerprinting
2017-09-14/a>Xavier MertensAnother webshell, another backdoor!
2017-07-19/a>Xavier MertensBots Searching for Keys & Config Files
2017-06-01/a>Xavier MertensSharing Private Data with Webcast Invitations
2017-05-12/a>Xavier MertensWhen Bad Guys are Pwning Bad Guys...
2017-04-07/a>Xavier MertensTracking Website Defacers with HTTP Referers
2017-04-02/a>Guy BruneauIPFire - A Household Multipurpose Security Gateway
2017-02-28/a>Xavier MertensAnalysis of a Simple PHP Backdoor
2017-01-24/a>Johannes UllrichCritical Vulnerability in Cisco WebEx Chrome Plugin
2017-01-14/a>Xavier MertensBackup Files Are Good but Can Be Evil
2016-07-13/a>Xavier MertensThe Power of Web Shells
2016-01-29/a>Xavier MertensScripting Web Categorization
2015-06-25/a>Bojan ZdrnjaWeb security subtleties and exploitation of combined vulnerabilities
2015-04-23/a>Bojan ZdrnjaWhen automation does not help
2015-04-14/a>Johannes UllrichOdd POST Request To Web Honeypot
2014-08-16/a>Lenny ZeltserWeb Server Attack Investigation - Installing a Bot and Reverse Shell via a PHP Vulnerability
2014-08-09/a>Adrien de BeaupreComplete application ownage via Multi-POST XSRF
2014-06-11/a>Daniel WesemannGimme your keys!
2014-06-10/a>Daniel WesemannSampling Bias
2014-04-24/a>Rob VandenBrinkApple IOS updates to 7.1.1, OSX Security update 2014-002, Airport Updates -,,,
2014-04-11/a>Guy BruneauHeartbleed Fix Available for Download for Cisco Products
2014-04-07/a>Johannes UllrichAttack or Bad Link? Your Guess?
2014-01-17/a>Russ McReeMassive RFI scans likely a free web app vuln scanner rather than bots
2014-01-13/a>Johannes UllrichSpecial Webcast today: HTML5, Risky Business or Hidden Security Toolchest?
2014-01-11/a>Guy Bruneautcpflow 1.4.4 and some of its most Interesting Features
2013-12-24/a>Daniel WesemannUnfriendly crontab additions
2013-11-02/a>Rick WannerProtecting Your Family's Computers
2013-10-04/a>Pedro BuenoCSAM: WebHosting BruteForce logs
2013-09-05/a>Rob VandenBrinkWhat's Next for IPS?
2013-07-27/a>Scott FendleyDefending Against Web Server Denial of Service Attacks
2013-06-25/a>Bojan ZdrnjaThe race for resources
2013-06-10/a>Johannes UllrichWhen Google isn't Google
2013-04-08/a>Johannes UllrichCleaning Up After the Leak: Hiding exposed web content
2013-03-26/a>Daniel WesemannHow your Webhosting Account is Getting Abused
2013-02-25/a>Johannes UllrichPunkspider enumerates web application vulnerabilities
2013-02-22/a>Johannes UllrichWhen web sites go bad: bible . org compromise
2013-01-25/a>Johannes UllrichVulnerability Scans via Search Engines (Request for Logs)
2012-10-26/a>Adam SwangerSecuring the Human Special Webcast - October 30, 2012
2012-09-08/a>Guy BruneauWebmin Input Validation Vulnerabilities
2012-08-13/a>Rick WannerInteresting scan for medical certification information...
2012-07-23/a>Johannes UllrichMost Anti-Privacy Web Browsing Tool Ever?
2012-03-11/a>Johannes UllrichAn Analysis of Jester's QR Code Attack. (Guest Diary)
2011-12-28/a>Daniel WesemannHash collisions vulnerability in web servers
2011-11-01/a>Russ McReeSecure languages & frameworks
2011-10-12/a>Adam SwangerWe are experiencing technical issues with the webcast. The webcast will start as soon as these issues are resolved.
2011-08-16/a>Johannes UllrichWhat are the most dangerous web applications and how to secure them?
2011-07-28/a>Johannes UllrichAnnouncing: The "404 Project"
2011-07-05/a>Raul SilesHelping Developers Understand Security - Spot the Vuln
2011-05-17/a>Johannes UllrichA Couple Days of Logs: Looking for the Russian Business Network
2011-05-14/a>Guy BruneauWebsense Study Claims Canada Next Hotbed for Cybercrime Web Hosting Activity
2011-05-11/a>Swa FrantzenTime to disable WebGL ?
2011-04-10/a>Raul SilesRecent security enhancements in web browsers (e.g. Google Chrome)
2011-04-01/a>John BambenekLizaMoon Mass SQL-Injection Attack Infected at least 500k Websites
2011-02-28/a>Deborah HalePossible Botnet Scanning
2011-02-01/a>Lenny ZeltserThe Importance of HTTP Headers When Investigating Malicious Sites
2010-12-18/a>Raul SilesGoogle Chrome (Stable and Beta) have been updated to 8.0.552.224 for all platforms (Chrome OS too).
2010-12-12/a>Raul SilesNew trend regarding web application vulnerabilities?
2010-12-02/a>Kevin JohnsonRobert Hansen and our happiness
2010-11-18/a>Chris CarboniAll of your pages are belonging to us
2010-08-16/a>Raul SilesBlind Elephant: A New Web Application Fingerprinting Tool
2010-08-15/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezPython to test web application security
2010-08-13/a>Tom ListonThe Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. ED
2010-07-25/a>Rick WannerUpdated version of Mandiant's Web Historian
2010-07-21/a>Adrien de BeaupreUpdate on .LNK vulnerability
2010-07-20/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezLNK vulnerability now with Metasploit module implementing the WebDAV method
2010-06-23/a>Scott FendleyOpera Browser Update
2010-06-15/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaeziPhone 4 Order Security Breach Exposes Private Information
2010-04-26/a>Raul SilesVulnerable Sites Database
2010-04-13/a>Adrien de BeaupreWeb App Testing Tools
2010-03-24/a>Johannes Ullrich".sys" Directories Delivering Driveby Downloads
2010-03-21/a>Scott FendleySkipfish - Web Application Security Tool
2010-03-08/a>Raul SilesSamurai WTF 0.8
2010-02-06/a>Guy BruneauOracle WebLogic Server Security Alert
2010-02-03/a>Johannes UllrichAnatomy of a Form Spam Campaign (in progress against right now)
2010-01-29/a>Johannes UllrichAnalyzing weblogs, part 2, RFI attacks
2010-01-25/a>William Salusky"Bots and Spiders and Crawlers, be gone!" - or - "New Open Source WebAppSec tools, Huzzah!"
2010-01-20/a>Johannes UllrichWeathering the Storm Part 1: An analysis of our SANS ISC weblogs
2010-01-08/a>Rob VandenBrinkMicrosoft OfficeOnline, Searching for Trust and Malware
2009-12-28/a>Johannes Ullrich8 Basic Rules to Implement Secure File Uploads (inspired by IIS ; bug)
2009-10-26/a>Johannes UllrichWeb honeypot Update
2009-10-20/a>Raul SilesWASC 2008 Statistics
2009-10-09/a>Rob VandenBrinkTHAWTE to discontinue free Email Certificate Services and Web of Trust Service
2009-09-18/a>Jason LamResults from Webhoneypot project
2009-09-16/a>Raul SilesReview the security controls of your Web Applications... all them!
2009-08-18/a>Deborah HaleDomain unavailable
2009-08-18/a>Deborah HaleWebsite compromises - what's happening?
2009-08-17/a>Adrien de BeaupreYAMWD: Yet Another Mass Web Defacement
2009-08-01/a>Deborah HaleWebsite Warnings
2009-07-13/a>Adrien de BeaupreVulnerability in Microsoft Office Web Components Control Could Allow Remote Code Execution
2009-07-05/a>Bojan ZdrnjaMore on ColdFusion hacks
2009-06-11/a>Jason LamDshield Web Honeypot going beta
2009-05-27/a>donald smithWebDAV write-up
2009-05-26/a>Jason LamA new Web application security blog
2009-05-24/a>Raul SilesIIS admins, help finding WebDAV remotely using nmap
2009-05-21/a>Adrien de BeaupreIIS admins, help finding WebDAV
2009-05-20/a>Tom ListonWeb Toolz
2009-05-05/a>Bojan ZdrnjaEvery dot matters
2009-04-21/a>Bojan ZdrnjaWeb application vulnerabilities
2009-03-26/a>Mark HofmanWebhoneypot fun
2009-02-17/a>Jason LamDShield Web Honeypot - Alpha Preview Release
2009-01-12/a>William SaluskyWeb Application Firewalls (WAF) - Have you deployed WAF technology?
2008-12-01/a>Jason LamCall for volunteers - Web Honeypot Project
2008-11-20/a>Jason LamLarge quantity SQL Injection mitigation
2008-09-08/a>Raul SilesQuick Analysis of the 2007 Web Application Security Statistics
2008-08-19/a>Johannes UllrichA morning stroll through my web logs
2008-08-15/a>Jim ClausingWebEx ActiveX buffer overflow
2008-06-07/a>Jim ClausingFollowup to 'How do you monitor your website?'
2008-04-24/a>donald smithHundreds of thousands of SQL injections
2006-09-30/a>Swa FrantzenYellow: WebViewFolderIcon setslice exploit spreading


2009-08-01/a>Deborah HaleWebsite Warnings