Web Toolz
Ok, a couple of web app testing tools have been recently updated/released:
- My buddies Kevin Johnson, Justin Searle, and the rest of the SamuraiWTF dev team have released version 0.6 of the SamuraiWTF live web testing framework CD. From the announcement:
"The SamuraiWTF project team is proud to announce the immediate release of
SamuraiWTF 0.6. This release is available at http://samurai.inguardians.com.
We have updated and fixed a number of issues with the environment as
well as improved performance of the java based tools. We have also included
a virtual machine of the environment. This VM requires VMWare.
If there are any questions, please either send them to samurai@inguardians.com
or join the developers mailing list on sourceforge.net."
- httpsScanner, a Java program that scans a web server to test the strength of its SSL connections has been released in version 1.1. You can get a copy here.
Keywords: web application
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