Secure Remote Services / MyDoom and IFRAME / MS04-039 revision / ISC Webcast

Published: 2004-11-10. Last Updated: 2004-11-11 15:22:32 UTC
by Pedro Bueno (Version: 1)
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Secure Remote Services

Today we received an request about secure applications for remote access on windows machines. While the questions were related to Remote Desktop x <A commercial vendor application>, the following advices are from a quick opinions from the handlers:

- Restrict access to the remote service application

- Restrict the resources in the remote machine to remote users

- Some VNC variants will add strong authentication, as secureVNC ( )

- Tunnel the remote service application, using something like ssh or VPN

MyDoom and IFRAME

On Marcus Sachs�s diary from yesterday, he mentioned the IE exploit email, but not explicitly a MyDoom variant. The reason is that he choose not to refer to MyDoom since there was some argument yesterday as to whether this was really another strain of MyDoom or something brand

Also in this topic, bleedingsnort website released snort signatures for both .ah and .ai variants. Although it may not detect variants with minor changes, it may be worthwhile to try to find those in your network.

MS04-039 revision

Microsoft updated its MS04-039 bulletin, now on its version 2.0. According to the notes at the end of the bulletin, the revision was to german language only:

V2.0 (November 9, 2004): Bulletin updated to reflect the release of an updated ISA Server 2000 security update for the German language only. This issue does not affect any other language version of this security update. The Security Update Replacement section has also been revised.

SSI 2004 - Brazil

If you are in Brazil, and will be on friday at SSI 2004 (Information Security Symposium) at ITA, I will be there speaking at 09:00am, and at 14:00 pm, about ISC and Malwares. Say hello if you plan to be there.

Monthly Webcast

Did you miss our ISC monthly Webcast? Check the archives at:


Handler on Duty: Pedro Bueno (pbueno /AT/
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