pcAnywhere users ? patch now!
Symantec released a patch for pcAnywhere products that fixes couple of vulnerabilities, among which the most dangerous one allows remote code execution. You can see Symantec’s advisory here.
Now, for last couple of weeks there have been a lot of rumors about source code of several Symantec’s products that got stolen by yet unknown hackers. Besides a post that listed file names nothing else has been released in public yet, as far as we know.
However, Symantec also released a document (available here) that details security recommendations for pcAnywhere users. It is obvious that Symantec is aware of how critical published vulnerabilities are. It makes us wonder if there already have been active exploitation of the published vulnerabilities or Symantec is just extra careful?
We’ll keep an eye on this, and if you are a pcAnywhere user – PATCH NOW.
And a short update: according to DShield data it appears that someone started scanning around for services on port 5631 (pcAnywhere). While the number of sources is still relatively low (indicating a single scanner, or a small number of them), the number of targets is pretty high. See for yourself here.
Update 2
Just further to the information Bojan has already provided. Keep in mind that pcAnywhere is part of a number of Symantec products including backup, security and of course it is part of the Altiris management suite. - MH
Jan 26th 2012
1 decade ago
Jan 26th 2012
1 decade ago
Updated: 2012-01-27
Jan 27th 2012
1 decade ago
Updated: 2012-01-28 - Technical Solution for pcAnywhere 12.0 12.5 12.5 SP3, pcAnywhere Solution 12.5 12.6 12.6.2
Jan 28th 2012
1 decade ago
Feb 1st 2012
1 decade ago
- http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/30/us-symantec-hacking-idUSTRE80T1TA20120130
Jan 30, 2012 - "... Symantec is offering free upgrades to pcAnywhere 12.5 at no charge to all customers, even those using old editions that would not typically qualify for support.... contact the company via email for more information: pcanywhere@symantec.com "
Feb 8th 2012
1 decade ago