Miscellaneous news

Published: 2006-04-06. Last Updated: 2006-04-06 21:28:17 UTC
by Kyle Haugsness (Version: 1)
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No major events, so here is a brief listing of the items that I was tracking throughout the day:

  • MS sent out the advanced warning for patches next Tuesday: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/advance.mspx
  • A new vulnerability was announced in Internet Explorer.  The vulnerability is a race condition between loading web content (HTML) and flash files.  It allows people hosting malicious websites (phishing) to overwrite the URL address bar.  This would be useful in phishing attacks.  Details here: http://secunia.com/advisories/19521/
  • A reader reported a Chase bank phishing e-mail with only a 888 phone number to dial.  My first guess was that this would be a number that charged a very high fee upon connect, so I didn't dial it.  But he reported that when you dial the number, a system prompts you for a 16-digit card number and seems to have a validation process.  Perhaps this is the next wave in phishing attacks?  He reported it to Chase bank and antiphishing.org.
  • For a brief time this morning (in the US), the SSL certificate for Hotmail was broken.  It gave the SSL certificate for www.gendcom.info, which seems to be a legitimate site that uses SSL.  The Hotmail SSL certificate was quickly fixed.  After researching, I discovered that both organizations use Savvis webhosting.  So I'm thinking this was a technical glitch at Savvis.
  • The folks running the bleeding-edge snort project had to move their web servers to a different provider temporarily due to a DDoS attack.  So you may find intermittent connectivity to them.

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