AU/NZ "Online Offensive - Fight fraud online" week March 1-7

Published: 2010-03-01. Last Updated: 2010-03-01 19:02:50 UTC
by Mark Hofman (Version: 2)
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 The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) released a report on online fraud today ( as part of their awareness campaign "Online Offensive - Fight Fraud Online" which runs March 1-7.  The programme runs every year in Australia and New Zealand and aims to educate people about online scams and is a cooperative effort between government and private enterprise. The idea is to provide non-IT people with some of the tools that they can use to recognise the various schemes. We all know someone who has been taken in. 

So if you are helping out with Seniors computing courses, or other community computing awareness course, providing some in house training, or even performing internet help desk duties for family members, then you may find some of this information useful.

The following sites all have information on the different scams online: 

  • - The ACCC also runs the scamwatch website that has a lot of easy to understand information about the various scams doing the rounds.  
  • - The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has their Fido web site, look under scams & warnings for information.  
  • - is a good resource for easily digestible scam information.  (thanks Tim)
  • - The FTC site has scam information. It is written in governmentese so you may need to translate, but nonetheless some good information. 
  • - A second FTC web site with some more specific information
  • - This FBI page has information on some of the newer scams. 
  • - This internet fraud page provides information on where to report fraud as well as some general information.  
  • - Some basic info on this UK web site regarding scams
  • - An interactive site providing some good information to help protect internet users

If you have links to government sites specifically related to scams and fraud let us know.  

Keywords: SCAMS
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