Cyber Security Awareness Month - Day 31 - Tying it all together

Published: 2010-10-31. Last Updated: 2010-11-02 03:03:23 UTC
by Marcus Sachs (Version: 1)
3 comment(s)

To the handlers who authored the daily Cyber Security Awareness Month diaries and to the readers who added comments and discussion - THANKS VERY MUCH!  Your collaborative spirit is what makes the SANS Internet Storm Center a true community effort, and a valuable resource to the broad Internet user community.

For this last day of the 2010 awareness month diaries we are providing links to all of the diaries we published this year, plus links to the previous years' summaries.  Please feel free to go back and re-read the diaries and add more comments at the bottom.  Again, this is a community project so the more thinking we get from everybody the stronger we are as a team.

In 2007 we covered a large range of subjects based on what our readers submitted as ideas.  In 2008 we took a closer look at the six steps of incident handling.  In 2009 we examined 31 different ports/services/protocols/applications and discussed some of the major security issues.  This year we "borrowed" an idea from Lance Spitzner and focused on ways to Secure the Human.  In other words, we discussed Layer 8, the carbon layer. 

If you have additional comments on any of these diaries feel free to add them directly to the bottom of the diary (you have to log in first) or if you want to remain anonymous you can send them to us via our contact form.

Week One (Oct 1-9) Parents and extended family
1 - Securing the family PC
2 - Securing the family network
3 - Recognizing phishing and online scams
4 - Managing email
5 - Sites you should stay away from
6 - Computer monitoring tools
7 - Remote access and monitoring tools
8 - Patch management and system updates
9 - Disposal of an old computer

Week Two (Oct 10-16) Children, schools, and young friends
10 - Safe browsing for pre-teens
11 - Safe browsing for teens
12 - Protecting and managing your digital identity on social media sites
13 - Online bullying
14 - Securing a public computer
15 - What teachers need to know about their students
16 - Securing a donated computer

Week Three (Oct 17-23) Bosses
17 - What a boss should and should not have access to
18 - What you should tell your boss when there's a crisis
19 - Remote access tools
       Remote user VPN tunnels - to split or not to split?
       VPN architectures – SSL or IPSec?
       Remote user VPN access – are things getting too easy, or too hard?
       VPN and remote access tools
20 - Securing mobile devices
21 - Impossible requests from the boss
22 - Security of removable media
23 - The importance of compliance

Week Four (Oct 24-31) Co-workers
24 - Using work computers at home
25 - Using home computers for work
26 - Sharing office files
27 - Social media use in the office
28 - Role of the employee
29 - Role of the office geek
30 - Role of the network team

31 - Tying it all together


Marcus H. Sachs
Director, SANS Internet Storm Center

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