Cyber Security Awareness Month 2009 - Summary and Links

Published: 2009-11-01. Last Updated: 2009-11-01 23:58:30 UTC
by Marcus Sachs (Version: 1)
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As requested by many readers, below are links to all 31 of the diaries that we wrote for Cyber Security Awareness Month 2009.  In 2007 we covered a large range of subjects based on what our readers submitted as ideas.  In 2008 we took a closer look at the six steps of incident handling.  This year we examined 31 different ports/services/protocols/applications and discussed some of the major security issues.  Many readers submitted comments, tips, and tricks for securing them.  If you have additional comments on any of these diaries feel free to add them directly to the bottom of the diary (you have to log in first) or if you want to remain anonymous you can send them to us via our contact form.

1 - Port 445 - SMB over tcp
2 - Port 0
3 - Port 5900 - VNC
4 - Port 20/21 - FTP-data/FTP
5 - Port 31337 - trojan horses
6 - Ports 67&68 udp - bootp and dhcp
7 - Port 6667/8/9/7000 - IRC
8 - Port 25 - SMTP
9 - Port 3389 -RDP
10 - The Questionable Ports
11 - Port 111 - RPCBind aka Portmapper
12 - Ports 161/162 - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
13 - Ports 3128, 8080 & .... - Proxies
14 - Port 514 - syslog
15 - Ports 995, 465, and 993 - Secure Email
16 - Port 1521 - Oracle TNS Listener
17 - Port 22 - SSH
18 - Port 23 - Telnet
19 - ICMP
20 - Ports 5060 & 5061 - SIP (VoIP)
21 - Port 135 - MS DCE locator
22 - Port 502 - Modbus
23 - Port 179 - Border Gateway Protocol
24 - Ports 1-20 and 37 - The Small Services
25 - Port 80 and 443 - Web services
26 - Ports 1433/1434 - MS SQL
27 - Ports 135, 137, 138, 139, ... - MS Active Directory Ports
28 - Port 123 - ntp
29 - Port 53 - dns
30 - Ports 47, 50, 500, 1723, 4500, ... - The "Common" IPSEC VPN Protocols
31 - Port 113 - ident

Marcus H. Sachs
Director, SANS Internet Storm Center

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